MARRIAGE 620 Lord, Who at Cana’s Wedding-Feast John 2: 1–11 C. M. D. St. 1, 3, Adelaide Thrupp, 1853 St. 2, Gogfrey Thring, 1882 Bethlehem Gottfried W. Fink, 1842 Thy en a bless thread guest Didst O The Lord, gold as pour, life, pear, ing in ap those ho who Ca who ly at 2 This 1 Lord, On 3 kneel, make, feast now Thee can ding be that na’s vow fore man wed ence pres and more man more. wife, here. and love bind safe Thee eth Thy Thou The That bond dear none far wake may that er the may than each zeal break, guest, er’s to ly To That Vouch earth dare oth vow ri vil shall riage ty In No The pu e mar and de to love, stroy, be, grant Thou blest them by ly ho Oh, Which, For Thee, live, tides, prove to be dost in what in e’er here peace deed a ’ry and bove. joy. Thee. crown dou tween ev Church life of bles the men. A world worn ing Pro Through And, leav days it this care claim love vides, re di of A And Be each ceive to care type ing, a